Commissioned Design — Kipling USA
New York City, 2021
Designed a bag in collaboration with Kipling USA for #KiplingCanvas, an art's initiative created to celebrate equality, inclusion, and the spirit of coming together.
Commissioned Mural — GenEquality Inclusive Safety Mural Series
New York City, 2021
GenEquality Org unveiled 5 murals across the 5 boroughs focusing on gender/identity, equality, and inclusive safety within our communities.
Teaching Artist/Muralist — Creative Art Works
New York City, 2018 - 2022
Working as a Teaching Artist, empowering young people through arts programming that incorporates academic enrichment, creative expression, workforce development and community engagement.
Live Painter— El Barrio Artspace
New York City, 2019
Painted live at the Responsive Communities art show
presented by The Mayors Office to End Gender Based Violence.
Live Painter — Lincoln Center: Out of Doors
New York City, 2019
Painted live in collaboration with Hi-Arts at Lincoln center for Family Day, for their Out of Doors "Move the Crowd" summer event series.
Commissioned Mural — The Doors of Make Room
Washington D.C., 2018
Make Room commissioned 11 artists from across the country to present a one-of-a-kind fiberglass public art project to make a bold statement about the 11 million American households forced to pay more than 50% of their income on rent and living one paycheck away from losing their home.
Collaborative Mural — The Meadows Festival
New York City, 2016
Painted a massive mural in Citi Field Park on shipping containers with a team of muralists as installation art for the guests to experience at the first Meadows Music Festival in Queens.
Commissioned Mural — Project Runway Junior
New York City, 2016
Painted a replica of a Lovenotes original painting as a mural for the Emmy nominated fashion related competition show, Project Runway. The contestants were required to create garments inspired by the murals.
Live Painter — The Latina Connect "Latinas of the New School" Dinner Party
New York City, 2016.
Painted an 8 ft x 8 ft canvas live for the guests to use as a backdrop for photos.
Art Director/Assistant Curator — Escape Artists Collective
New York City, 2014 – Present
Brainstormed and assisted on the aesthetics and production of Escape Artists exhibitions.
Contributing Writer — 12ozProphet
New York City, 2014 – 2016
Contributed reviews on art exhibitions, reported on current street art news, fashion and music. Conducted interviews with a variety of street artists and photographers.
Live Painter — Ghost Face Killah Show at SUNY Albany
Upstate New York, 2014.
Collaborated on a painting of Ghost Face Killah during their live performance.
Art Director/Curator — Arts & Rhymes Inc.
New York City, 2013 – 2014
Oversaw the aesthetics and production of art shows for Arts & Rhymes. Developed proposals and contracts for specific projects. Reconstructed and refined the Arts and Rhymes website.
Assistant — GirlApproved (Formerly 3iYing Marketing)
New York City, 2004 – 2006
Brainstormed and assisted in executing marketing strategies for young women’s products.
Consulted with product development personnel on product specifications such as design, color and packaging. Assisted in coordinating marketing activities and policies to promote products and services. Worked with advertising and promotion managers on creating print ads.